Epic’s new Rev Cycle Partners Program has added Impact Advisors, a healthcare management consulting firm. The partnership program is designed to help healthcare organizations optimize their use of Epic to improve revenue cycle outcomes. Impact Advisors is partnering with Epic to help improve revenue cycle outcomes for mutual customers. It will provide end-to-end, customized revenue […]
In a bid to help increase clinical and operational efficiencies, GE HealthCare will be entering into a collaboration with OSF HealthCare, an integrated health system in Illinois and Michigan, and Pointcore, a healthcare management and non-clinical shared services company. In addition to increasing efficiency, the aim is to standardize care delivery models and improve patient […]
Bed blocking causes patients to be stuck at the hospital rather than going to rehab. Patients might also wait on a gurney in the ER, says Dr. Will O’Connor, CMIO at TigerConnect.
As COVID-19 hits its four-year anniversary, healthcare has seen the potential to transform through digital health solutions – including the ability to help reduce nursing shortages, expedite patient care, minimize in-person costs and create more productive collaboration with insurance companies.